
A Parade of Color Schemes

I have this great identity: I'm the daughter of a paint contractor. With that identity comes great gifts: an eye for quality paint jobs, the vision to see what a room or piece will be when it is refinished, the talent to accomplish the job, and a sense for what "goes" together and what does not.
Of course, there are a few problems with this identity: a love for color... and changing it... and making sure that everything "goes"... and stalking Craigslist (I think an official restraining order has been issued, no papers served yet.)
Life to me is a big color pallet and my home is where I share my color story.
Only, what's a girl to do when she longs for light and airy and subtle one day...
and crisp and clean and stark contrast the next?
How does she live life looking at a home with one color while constantly contemplating what
another color would look like on those same walls...
... wondering IF she really could pull of blue in that room AND keep the reds and the yellows.
What if the next day I long for calm green and wispy white?
For now, this is me... This is my color story... almost. The reds, cremes with a splash of golds and khaki or green. Por favor dear readers... can I get a robins egg blue in there too?
Check out Valspar.com to "virtually paint" your room. Anyone inspired to repaint?
All pictures courtesy of Valspar.com


  1. Were we separated at birth? I am always looking at my home with an eye to what color to put on my walls next. I think these rooms were 2" bigger when I moved in, lol! I have been known to get up in the morning pull all the furniture tothe center of the room, dropcloth it and have the room painted a different color by the end of the day,(I have a small house). I love all the rooms you have in this post, thanks for sharing them:>)

  2. I love the pictures - & I have many rooms to paint - I´m a soft & airy type of girl - but I´ve been thinking about adding some red curtains in - which is wild for me as usually it´s all greens & blues - well we shall see.

  3. I painted my kitchen/dining room a shade of red last fall that isn't my favorite but goes well with all my kitchen cabinetry. I'm still working on the rest of my home but have been selecting colors that "go" (I have trouble remembering shades vs tints, etc...). I love color but am scared to death that I'll get it wrong!

  4. I'm always inspired to repaint.

    When we bought our house two years ago, we repainted every room prior to moving in. I'm ready for a change in the kitchen and the guest bathroom.

    And possibly the master bedroom.

    It never ends!


  5. Every time I think I have it the way I want it I see other inspiring pictures and then I feel like changing everything up again

  6. I love using paint to change the feel of a room! I drive my husband crazy with my color samples on the walls when I'm trying to choose a color, but he has become an advocate of doing this.

  7. Those rooms are all stunning - thanks for the inspiring pix. I'm with ya on the Craig's List thing. It's an addiction I cannot explain......but I love it.

  8. Yes for robins egg blue! I have the same color scheme and I'm planning on painting my island r.e. blue. I think it will look so good!

  9. I tell dh that I have this problem due to me being a Gemini. One twin gets exactly what she wants and then the other twin pops up just to wonder what it would look like if....LOL.

  10. I'm SO with you - by the time I get all the rooms in my house painted, I'm ready to start over again! But, I MARRIED a pro painter, which means all of my paint jobs fall under his scrutiny :) But yes, anytime we go anywhere, we notice poor paint jobs :)

  11. These are GREAT inspirational photos!! :)

  12. I completely relate!!!! I feel flaky. I want blue, I want caramel, I am starting to like creams.... what is a paint girl to do??????

  13. Me too! My husband used to joke that he'd go to bed and wake up with the walls a different color. Now, I'm not changing them so much in the last few years but my eye is always looking. I have the same color scheme you mentioned. I keep trying to add robin's egg blue, also. Why is it so tricky? Or just out of my comfort zone? Not sure. Do tell the tricks. :)

  14. Oh my gosh, it's like you're inside my head or something! I was just telling someone today that when I "relax" in the bathtub, all I do is imagine different colors on the bathroom walls! How is it possible for a bubble bath to ADD to the "to do" list?
