That is so good!!! Get this, my hubby gave my a Dust Buster for Valentine's day one yr to make it easier to vacuum the stairs!!! He never made that mistake again and I still remind him of it when needed!!
I will confess, however, yesterday was my 13th wedding anniversary and I got a new microwave from my hubby and my parents gave me a Roomba. *cringe* I was thrilled to pieces LOL.
Our first year of marriage Lee told me after Christmas that he looked into getting my lazer hair removal for my upper lip....he thought better but then he TOLD me about it. Funny stuff now.
Well looks like you beat me to it... great job on posting the video :-)
BTW, the first time I ran the roomba it was like... ohmigosh... the back of the roomba blew off (which holds the dirt cup). I said, "uhm honey..what does it mean when roomba vomits after the first time it cleans your house" LOL.
That roomba gets things out of the carpet that's scary. It finds weird things under couches and hiding near the baseboards. If I wasn't already married... I'd propose to Roomba LOL.
You NEED to ask Santa for one of these. As my daughter (age 8) says, "roomba will change your life" *snort* (It was her job to vacuum).
I didn't watch the video (I will ) but I wanted to make sure and comment about your "I spy" my garland on the ground comment...I was laughing, and also chuckling OUT LOUD when I read the post of your ugly tree because we have one that is the same way, but once the lights and ornaments are on - it works. Every year when I put it up I say "we need to get another one, this one is SO FAKE.' but we keep hauling it out. :) Praying for many prayers of selling success... :)
I just loved this video! Too funny! It came at the perfect time. For the first time in 10yrs, my husband was in the dog house. And it's not even Christmas yet! I sent him the link, he had a good laugh. His dog house is much nicer... :-)
p.s. I am having a wonderful giveawy, check it out!
That is so good!!! Get this, my hubby gave my a Dust Buster for Valentine's day one yr to make it easier to vacuum the stairs!!! He never made that mistake again and I still remind him of it when needed!!
Ohmigosh, that is HILARIOUS!
I will confess, however, yesterday was my 13th wedding anniversary and I got a new microwave from my hubby and my parents gave me a Roomba. *cringe* I was thrilled to pieces LOL.
I love that video. I'm sending it to all me friends,
Our first year of marriage Lee told me after Christmas that he looked into getting my lazer hair removal for my upper lip....he thought better but then he TOLD me about it. Funny stuff now.
Well looks like you beat me to it... great job on posting the video :-)
BTW, the first time I ran the roomba it was like... ohmigosh... the back of the roomba blew off (which holds the dirt cup). I said, "uhm honey..what does it mean when roomba vomits after the first time it cleans your house" LOL.
That roomba gets things out of the carpet that's scary. It finds weird things under couches and hiding near the baseboards. If I wasn't already married... I'd propose to Roomba LOL.
You NEED to ask Santa for one of these. As my daughter (age 8) says, "roomba will change your life" *snort* (It was her job to vacuum).
Where can I get one of those dog houses? Hubby is already in trouble and it isn't even Christmas yet! Why isn't men never learn?
Thanks for the super sweet comments about my Christmas decor and pixies (I think I will make some spring sprites...what a great idea!)
As for the glass jars...they're on top of my armoire...the kids can't reach 'em. Hee hee!
Oh, and we got our Santa letters...the kids were SOOOOOO excited! Thank you again!!!!
I didn't watch the video (I will ) but I wanted to make sure and comment about your "I spy" my garland on the ground comment...I was laughing, and also chuckling OUT LOUD when I read the post of your ugly tree because we have one that is the same way, but once the lights and ornaments are on - it works. Every year when I put it up I say "we need to get another one, this one is SO FAKE.' but we keep hauling it out. :) Praying for many prayers of selling success... :)
I thought this was so funny! Although I would be one of the weird ladies who would get totally excited with a new vacuum. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I just loved this video! Too funny! It came at the perfect time. For the first time in 10yrs, my husband was in the dog house. And it's not even Christmas yet! I sent him the link, he had a good laugh. His dog house is much nicer... :-)
I am having a wonderful giveawy, check it out!
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