If I had a Chick Garage... I'd hang all my tools from Hobby Lobby hooks with labels, and I'd keep my gloves handy for really hard nail breaking work (with a file handy in case I had to fix my nails when they broke) and I'd keep some lotion near by just in case.
If I had me a Chick Garage... I'd hang my ribbon from a coat hanger, have paper towels handy, and would search every home improvement store for that nifty spray can display holder... Kimba friend, do you see this! I'd keep my paint swatches close by and wouldn't bother with any other glue than Elmer's or Hot glue...
If I had me a Chick Garage.... I would sort by size AND color AND theme... wait, would I have themes in a garage? Maybe they'd be more like project classifications. I'd keep all my supplies in jars I could see through... only truthfully, I know I'd spend more on those jars than the value of the contents thereof so I'd have to use baby food jars and mason jars to be thrifty.
If I had me a Chick Garage... I'd get rid of that awful tool case that holds all of the attachments that I need and get a magnetic strip because... I don't care what number is on the attachment. I always have to try them all out before the last one fits. I'd order them from biggest to smallest... that way my husband wouldn't have to ask me if they were metric or standard... what?... I'd just tell the hubby, "they're ordered from biggest to smallest,YOU figure it out."
Yes, If I had me a chick garage it would look a lot different than it does now.

What would you put in your Chick Garage?
I like all of those, but they're missing a wine cooler. I'd definitely add a wine cooler to hold a good few bottles of wine. ;)
All I could think of when I saw those pictures was 1. OHHH SO PRETTY and 2. Yeah, will never happen.
IF I had a garage it would be The General's and the poor man would NEED it because I would be working him to death with projects.
But oh, it is pretty LOL.
Many Blessings :)
Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a garage (or shed) looking that pretty & organised!
I can just see my kids going "pling, pling, pling" with the tools on that magnetic strip - think it would last all of 1 minute!
Isn't there some unwritten rule that a garage is a "MAN'S DOMAIN"? My man let's me have the house to pretty much do as I please. But...that garage...that garage is his territory. I think he's marked it or something. Oh, he let's me come in there, but it's organized HIS way. That's fine with me. I mentioned once that I thought we should at least paint it to make it more bright and cheerful (what was I thinking?) and he said, "Why? It's just a garage?" Whatevah.
Oh to dream the impossible dream. I would just like to have a pretty organized craft corner.
Carter Oosterhouse....
Hi there! Forgive me for hijacking a post, but I couldn't find an e-mail address for you...
I recently received a couple of "bloggy" awards and, since I love your blog, I wanted to pass the awards on to you! I posted about it on my page (the post URL is in my signature ) with a link to you. :)
"Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman?"
Award Post: http://proverbs14-1.blogspot.com/2009/06/little-bloggy-love.html
I want that garage with a place for my wood working tools. TOO cute! Mine would be pink though. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Love it! I'd have a little fridge with bottles of water and Coke, a big roll up mat or drop cloth for spray painting. And air conditioning. ;)
I have really enjoyed your blog, and it helps inspire me to "beautify" my own home, but today you made me really laugh, cuz we are such "chicks..." we get this home improvement stuff wrong all the time, no matter how hard we try. I don't think it was ribbon the hanger in the garage, I think it was different types of tape. It struck me as weird when I read it that there would be ribbon in a real garage, so I looked closer, and I recognize that blue painters tape and I think the big silver role of "duck tape".
Have a great day!
ohhhh! I wish! But I am trying to stay outta HIS territory so that he stays outta mine...
FOR YEARS I have wished I had my own workshop (separate from my craft room). It has been pretty obvious that HE doesnt like me doing those kinds of things since HE took and hid my sander, my drill and my dremel. Besides, once HE has a hold of them, they get a gross and icky. I dont know how a man can work with tools like that. (yes, the OCD is genetic... my father had the cleanest tools and workshop although he used them constantly)
I love that polka-dot floor. Fun post!
Too funny... too coincidental! My husband and I were just facing our open garage tonight and shaking our heads! Look what happens when no one is paying attention! Important stuff mixed in with "what's our neighbor's daughter's Halloween costume of almost 20 years ago still doing in our garage?!!!
funny & sad at the same time :)
great post ~ Maria
Love the really chic garage pics...
Hello! Stopping over from Kimba's. This looks lovely! DH would die if I told him I was going to do this to his manly area - ha! At least I'm blessed to have an orgaznied garage even if from a dude's perspective! Thanks for sharing!
I never would have dreamed that a garage could look so pretty. I love the pics! I wonder if my hubbie would mind if I painted our garage. Hmmm.
I would love my own chick garage! Then again I'd love a standard run of the mill garage too!
When I renovated my garage (when I bought this place, half of it was a wine cellar... eeew),
- I put in a nice new door with a window looking out back.
- I put in a garage door with windows running along the top (I like natural light, not a black hole to walk in)
- I put a heat register along one wall
- I put in white cabinets and white pegboard.
- I painted one of those ugly metal tool boxes black.
Now... problem. If you collect saws and drills and a compressor and too many bikes and wood scraps and DIY unfinished projects and and and and... hard to hide that. Very hard.
That's when you call your garage a 'workshop'. According to a male friend of mine, you can have a messy workshop but not a messy garage. Huh..
Love this! I love organizational eye candy!
Just wonderful!
Thanks and hi from N Ireland.
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