Okay, in my shamefully forward way I am once again pushing my paper propaganda on you. Don't you LOVE this WALLPAPERED headboard? Feel free to substitute scrapbook paper if you can't stomach the thought of wallpaper... (poor wallpaper has been shunned for so many long years... get ready decor gals... it's coming back!)
Wallpaper your plates? Or your husbands highschool woodshop project... whatever will hold still hand has a great shape! No, it doesn't work on women who are over 30 and have 6 kids... some things just can't be covered.

Cabinet made cute! Thrift Stores beware! See? You don't have to scrape this stuff off of walls! If you're sick of it in a year... donate it back!
This little wonder hides plenty... I need one of these to hide my husbands guitars and banjo(yes. Really. We have a banjo. Guitars- we have 5. Maybe I need a wall full of these things). Just head down to HomeDepot and pick yourselves up some of them hollow closet doors.. cheap. Wallpaper, trim (Ribbon would look so cute) and I personally would add a hook or two. Then stash all of your dirty clothes behind it! End to laundry woes all because of wallpaper!

By way of announcement... I have a givaway for my Pretty Organizers going on at Bella_Cassa... AND Shabby Nest Wendy and I are hosting (mostly it's Wendy) an Kids Storage (Organizing) linky party in a few weeks... stay tuned! Also linked to The Inspired Room today! Go check these ladies out!
Thank you for stopping by. And yes, I do take a lot of pics, but most of the time I ask first. Most, sometimes I sneak & take a pic, but I figured I'm just giving them free advertising!
What a cute blog you have. Me and wallpaper go way back. I've used it on armoires, planters, and all sorts of things & there are really some pretty papers out there. I agree! Wallpaper in the right spot is just gorgeous. HOpe you'll come back & see me often.
I LOVE these pictures. I've been mulling over what to do with my linen closet and this might be just what I've been looking for! :) Thanks.
Loving the pink cabinet with the pretty pink and white paper. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Oh my goodness..this is all so cute!!! Wow!
-sandy toe
The photo of the orange wallpaper in the kitchen in your previous post caught my eye. I have a friend who moved into a lovely home many years ago that had that same wallpaper in the kitchen. The only difference was hers was royal blue and lime green. The cabinets had been painted lime green as well. Thanks for the memories.
I'm scraping some paper off our walls now -- not a fan.
We moved into our dream house (a 1940's 5200sf fixer-upper) almost a year ago and it has wallpaper in all the bathrooms, the foyer, and in the library - and I love it!
I'd never thought about all the other cool ways to use wallpaper.
Thanks for the ideas!
Oh....And I love the picture of your family! I'm partial to Very Tan children as you can see our family picture on my blog :)
That little cabinet is precious!
I have been noticing wallpaper lately too. I found rolls and rolls of it at our local Habitat store for $2 a roll! I'm sure there is something there for me!
I'm going to wallpaper the backs of the bookshelves in my "office."
Maybe put a bit up on the wall behind my sofa with a mantle type shelf and make that a real focal point... love your inspiration here with that cute little cabinet!
I'll keep my eyes open at Mission Possible thrift store!
Hi. I love your blog! I just bought some random rolls of wallpaper, not knowing what I would do with it, but now I am definately getting some ideas thanks to you!!! Thanks .... Violet
I love these ideas...thanks for sharing! And I love the shout out! YOU ROCK!
Well, this is a fun post! I would never have thought to use wallpaper on things like headboards and plates! Very creative. Thanks for joining my blog party today. Have a wonderful weekend! :-)
Love these wallpaper posts....so very cute. Never would have thought of the pictures.
You made me want to go out and buy some wallpaper! Thanks for the really cute ideas!
Love these wallpaper ideas! I am one of those a little leary of wallpaper, still having some nightmares, you know. What's that treatment called where you rid yourself of a phobia by immersing yourself in it? yeah, that's it!
I love the Shabby Nest, (and you!) so I'll be on the look-out for that party!!
What FUN ideas! :)
I love the picture of your family... and am still figuring out how my violin performance degree relates to my youth ministry career, so I think it's awesome that you put your voice degree to work via bedtime lullabyes.
Wow! These are great ideas! I love that even your blog has a wallpaper background!
All fantastic ideas. I personally love wallpaper. It's just so versatile!
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