
Hob Nobbing Knob Snob

Knobs make the Piece. I'll buy a piece of furniture for the knobs alone if I love them- just did today on Craigslist. That SOUNDS crazy but if any of you have been surfing the world wide sea of stores and hob nobbing at all the knob snob shops, it may be the cheaper option.

I think I'm morphing into a knob snob... I'm dreaming up the perfect project to display my snobbery, inspired by this beautiful display at Anthropology. See, according to this A+ hob-nob knob store I don't even need furniture to put it on! I can just go rip off a piece of my neighbors old barn and mount them to that!

To be a Hob Nobbing Knob Snob you gotta have a job to get a lotta knobs. I'm personally drooling over the Roman Numeral Clock face knob. I wish I could get 6 of them that worked... all set 8 minutes fast. That green and black one below is calling me... "Pssst, Hey... Pretty Organizer... You've sold enough ad space to buy me. You have... take me home and put me somewhere I can start conversations!" Uhhh... snobby knob. I'll have none of that in my house... maybe I could put him on the font door!

Somewhere there is a black dresser screaming for that red heart shaped knob... that red $32.00 per knob snob knob. Geesh... I could afford one for the whole dresser! Can you imagine how much an entire dresser would cost? (Ya'll could probably pop out a number. My artistic brain just imagines a number... it's much easier that way... )
Now at this Palace, these are the knobs of choice.... The "Duh...It's right Here!" line of knobs. A place for everything and everything in it's place... Don't forget the custom order knobs like: "Measuring Spoons are in here SOMEWHERE", "Pitcher tops and Lids you Can't Find", and my personal favorite- "Blender Blade is RIGHT HERE!"
Knobby Snobby me loves these monogram knobs... and yes, no palace is complete without jeweled knobs. Might need them in the royal throne room... a place that needs some refinement since my throne looks very much builder porcelain white.

Now all you hob nobbing knob snobs with thin pocket books.... HOBBY LOBBY is having their 50% off sale on knobs and hardware until MAY 9th. I missed this sale by 2 days when I needed to buy knobs for my kitchen cabinets... groan... it was like being told Godiva was all out of chocolate... no worries, I recovered. Rest assured I'll be there to scrape every last needed knob from the barrels. With luck, I'll have them up on my cabby's to show soon!
What furniture do you have that can use a knob job?


debi said...

Great post...LOVE the title! I saw more knobs in your post that I'd like to have than I have places to put them.

Kim said...

You need to check out Misti of Studio M Designs (you can find her on my blog). She makes the most incredible knobs, called Sknobs! How cute is that? She sells them on her Etsy shop.

mary said...

Hi. I don't know if I've ever commented on your blog, but I always read it. There was a photo from bhg.com of a watery blue beautiful kitchen that had an open feel, a center island of the same blue and open shelves instead of upper cabinets, did I see that on your blog? If so, could you pleeease link me to it or let me know which of your posts it was on because I have looked through every one of them and can't find it.

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I have been eyeballing some of Hobby Lobby's knobs too! Some are crackled porcelain, and some are very vintage and huge. I love them BIG. I am coming up with a few great knobs to add to my Etsy shop very soon! Showing me that romal numeral one...did me in! You KNOW I will be stealing that idea. And...I have painted some with "labels" for each cabinet... my wheels are turning.
Thanks for the inspirational post!


Unknown said...

Wow. I have never seen so many cool knobs in one place! Now you've made me want to change out all of mine for something better! :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post!! I love all the knobs. I want to get some to use for the tassels I use to tie back my window treatments. My DH says that you can't get any that will screw into the wall. I say----There HAS to be some way to do it. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks for sharing.


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